How To Choose The Perfect Art For Your Home

1. Setting the tone
The top piece of advice that every person needs to choose the perfect wall art is this: Does the artwork foster feelings of happiness and relaxation? Does it suit your style?
What you choose to put on your walls is a very personal choice. Don't just go on your gut instinct as an instant impulse buy can be a mistake!

2. Choosing the style
Decide whether you want your home to have a casual or formal vibe. Light and bright colours give off a casual and relaxing feel. On the other hand, framed pieces with darker colours or distinct lines can create a formal tone.

3. Choosing Colours
Choose art that incorporates colours already present in the room. This creates a cohesive and complementary scheme.
Basics of this style include:
- Use the same colour but in different shades. For example, a light green looks beautiful with a richer, darker green wall.
- Most spaces should not exceed four colours
- When in doubt - stick to black and whites as they match everything while also adding to the elegance of a structure

4. Choosing the right colour frame
Once you have selected a beautiful design for your space, the next step is to choose the right frame. The frame should be matched to the design first, the decor second. Mixing styles of frames within one room can also look great.
- Oak frames - Most natural choice. Can easily match a modern and rustic home.
- Black frames - Offers an elegant, formal look. A black frame can highlight the darker features in your design and can act as a contrast to lighter ones.
- White frames - Offers a more casual and eclectic look. A white frame tends to make the light hues of a design to blend into the background.
5. Choosing the right size for your room
Size matters! Generally, if you have a smaller room, one big piece of artwork can actually make a room feel a lot bigger.
If you are looking to hang your artwork on a blank open space, we suggest to aim to fill about two-thirds to three-fourths of your wall space.
If you are looking to hang it above a piece of furniture, do not select a size that is wider than the width of your furniture. It should be 50-75% the width of your furniture.
Posted on January 15 2021